Thursday 6 September 2018

Two Great Tips on Choosing Garden Accessories & Ornaments That You Must Know

Do you own a big house with a sprawling outdoor space? Then, what have you planned to do with such an extensive space? Don’t let it remain empty. Nowadays, you can do several things with a huge landscape. Divide it into separate segments and try to utilize it to the fullest. For instance, you can create a seating area in the patio, have an outdoor kitchen area or grilling and barbecue zone, and have a lawn or garden on one side. Gardens are one of the most popular options that people adopt for their outdoors. Easy to set up, affordable, and the opportunity to get closer to nature makes this the perfect solution for a big home exterior.

However, before setting up your garden, you should look for the right place where you can buy all the garden accessories and essentials. There are plenty of nurseries in Australia which offer you the right products. Here, we have put together a few tips you should keep in mind while choosing your garden accessories and ornaments. Take a look.
  1. Focus on Variety
First of all, you should keep variety in mind. The right home outdoor which combines both functionality and aesthetics is the one that has a lot of variety. Along with planted trees, create raised plant beds, or practice container gardening. Try to buy a few garden pots or boxes. The terracotta pots Melbourne can be a fine choice for this.
  1. Quality Plants
Lastly, you should understand that a garden which is not lushly and green is not a garden at all. So, you must make sure that you pick hale and hearty plants from a good garden centre or nursery. This will add a fresh vibe to your outdoor and keep the environment eco-friendly and healthy.
So, these were a few suggestions and tips that you must not forget at any cost. Quickly find a company which can offer you garden plants, statues, fountains, pots, or planter boxes Melbourne.

Monday 16 July 2018

Two Major Mistakes That You Must Avoid While Buying a Water Feature

Are you thinking about how to design the most beautiful home exterior? After all, a beautiful home outdoor is not just essential for adorning the outer space but also for increasing the value of your house, which will grant you greater returns if you plan to put the house on rent or sell it in the future. One of the key features that take your mundane and cliché outdoor to the next level is adding a water feature.
The trickling sound of water can add a soothing and relaxing appeal to your outdoor which is what most homeowners need often. There are a number of water features Melbourne which you can install in your house, right from a pond, birdbath to a fountain. If you are purchasing a water feature for the first time, here are a few mistakes to avoid. Take a look.
  • Wrong Size & Placement
Before installing or thinking of adding any feature to your outdoor, you should consider the space that is available to you. Similarly, you should make sure that the water feature you are buying is suitable for the space you have. If you place a huge three-tiered water fountain in a small backyard, then it will cover the whole space and make it look clumsier. Or if you pick a small water fountain for a big landscape area, the water feature will not visible to anyone. Sometimes, people also install their water features in a place which is hidden from the view. If no one can see the beautification, there will be no appreciation.
  • Wrong Choice of the Seller
You should be careful about the quality of the water feature you are buying because after all, it is an investment that you are making and don’t want the water feature to become dysfunctional within a few years. So, if you choose a wrong seller, then you are risking the quality of the water feature and wasting a lot of money.
Avoid these two mistakes while choosing a water feature. Now, keep these in mind and quickly find a place where you not only get interesting water features but also find gardening containers like terrazzo pots Melbourne.

Monday 11 June 2018

3 Major Reasons Why Succulents are So Popular

Are you obsessed with collecting different kinds of plants in your home indoors or outdoors? Then, succulents can be an excellent addition to this collection. These plants have gained immense popularity of late. And more and more people are using these to decorate their living rooms, bedroom window sills, or even adding to their well-designed landscapes.

Succulents Melbourne can be easily found in a number of places. Just make sure you choose a reliable place which sells quality plants. So, here we have made a list of reasons why succulents can be such an endearing choice for your home gardening. Take a look.

1. Extensive Variety

First of all, there is a lot of variety, color, and shape when it comes to succulents. You can go for the Jade plants (Crassula ovata) as it has bright green, fleshy and rounded leaves. Or pick the Flapjack’ Kalanchoes with huge, flat leaves and have a minty green shade with red patches towards the edges. Then, there are Sedums or the Echeveria which are also found in plenty of colors. This kind of extensive variety can be wonderful for gardening space.

2. Drought Resistant

One of the most attractive things about succulents is that it is drought resistant. These have fleshy leaves which can hold the plant's moisture so the watering requirements are not high as compared to the other flowering annuals. You can keep at perfectly sunny spots where other things will not grow and neither will you have to worry about them if you are away for a couple of days on a vacation.

3. Easy Maintenance

Lastly, you can easily take care of the succulents. So, even if you are not a green thumb expert, you will be able to grow succulents. Just make sure you don't over-water them and plant them in a looser, sandier soil in a sunny area and that will be it.

So, quickly rush to the nearest place offering beautiful plants, garden ornaments, or water features Melbourne and grab your potted succulents today. 

Friday 4 May 2018

3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself before Choosing Garden Ornaments

Are you thinking of buying some beautiful garden ornaments to make your garden look even prettier? These are fantastic options to give your gardens a new facelift. However, you have to focus on the space available before choosing the right kind of garden ornaments. Make sure you don’t make the place clumsy after adding these to your outdoor.
So, after choosing the best store for garden ornaments Melbourne, you should ask yourself a few questions that will help you make the right choice in these garden décor elements. Here, we have gathered a few of them for you. Take a look.

  1. Is there a reason to buy this particular garden ornament?
There is a purpose for every ornament. You have to make sure that the ornament you are buying has some function in the garden. If you see it is redundant and without it, your garden actually looks neater, it means you don’t need it. On the other hand, if you see that placing that particular element like a water feature or a statue in your garden space is creating a focal point in your outdoor, then it is worth buying the particular ornament.
  1. How many of these should I buy?
There is no hard and fast rule as to how many garden ornaments you need. It depends on the expanse of land available in front of your house. The bigger the space, more number of ornaments can be accommodated in your garden. But still, you have to be a little conscious and place the things in such a way that it does not clutter the area. So, keeping the neat image of your garden in mind, you should decide how many ornaments you must have.
  1. Does this resemble my taste?
You might have gone shopping for these ornaments with a friend or a family member. But they can only give their opinions and suggestions. The ultimate choice has to be made by you. You should think that the ornaments should be according to your taste and preferences so that the garden looks like an extension of your personality.
So, if you have got the right answers to all your queries, then go ahead and resort to a company offering garden ornaments, plants, and fountains Melbourne.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Why People Are Crazy About Terracotta And Terrazzo Pots In Melbourne?

Garden pots are actually a crucial part of today’s modern garden. It can be utilized for performing anything which a gardener desires right from seeding herbs in the kitchen garden to growing outdoor ferns. With regards to garden supplies, garden pots are indeed a must-have for all those who does their gardening. As it plays a pivotal role in the modern gardens, supply shops and designers offer a wide collection of pots in Melbourne to suit every budget and outdoor space.

Special features of Terracotta Pots

There are different types of garden pots to select from. Of these the terracotta pots in Melbourne are the most highly favored. These are available in different sizes, colors and designs which means people have the flexibility to mix and match these pots. Terracotta is a material that is highly resourceful, thus the pots created from it appear amazing no matter  where one adjusts them. Pots made of terracotta are used both for outdoor and indoor purposes and the good news is, it is also available in modern designs. The plants planted in these pots will feel happy and grow more because it can consume a large amount of water which in pots made of fiberglass and plastic is not possible. A specialty of these pots its that people can use different quality soil because terracotta supports all forms of soil which will result in healthy growth of plants.

While considering the plant's overall health, selecting terrazzo pots will also be a smart choice. With the wrong pot, the roots of the plant may rot and ultimately die. These day customs designed terrazzo pots in Melbourne are also available. Owing to their respective benefits both terracotta and terrazzo pots have become extremely popular and gardeners are crazy about them. So which will be your pick? 

Thursday 24 March 2016

Buy the Best Statues & Glazed Pots Melbourne

If you are in Melbourne and are willing to beautify your garden then you must select your nearby garden centre to get the best decorative suggestion and the best decorative items. All these will give your garden the necessary elegance that everybody visiting your home must agree. Even neighbours at your place will appreciate, although they have every reason to be envious about your well managed garden. Whether it is your residential area or business place, buying and placing items for garden decoration depend on your choice and the availability of the products and services offered by the garden centre you have decided.

A decorative garden pot is one of the most popular items that are mostly used for garden beautification matters. Buy Glazed pots Melbourne to make plants grow on them. Make them in use of birds’ temporary shelter on a daily basis. You may just also keep these pots water-filled. Decorative parts are enough to enhance the elegance of your garden.      

If you are really innovative and boosted enough to decorate your garden in the most modern way then there is no dearth of Garden Statues Melbourne. Proper selection of these statues depends upon the theme you want to create for your garden. The theme may be historical, romantic, rebellious, peaceful, childlike, angelic, and any other of your choice.

Search online and you may come across a few companies like Pots Galore which is a renowned and popular Garden centre Melbourne. This online store caters to every garden owner of every kind so as to give them the best products and services for the sake of simplicity and beauty. Aristocracy is also one passion that enthuse some garden lovers to install decorative pieces like water features, statues, and fountains of many kinds. If you are willing to invest a little money, time, and energy for the beautification of your garden, Pots Galore can take the rest of the responsibility to grow your garden as the most beautiful in your locality. 

Monday 22 February 2016

Outdoor Planting Large Glazing Pots

Container gardening is functional as well as aesthetically beautiful. You can create a wonderful landscape by placing pots, accessories, garden statues in Melbourne, a small water bodies and others. Large glazed pots are preferred choice for outdoor container gardening because these pots withstand temperature fluctuations and weathering. Moreover, these pots absorb moisture, so these pots are hospitable to your plants.

Providing Drainage

Glazed pottery is not porous, and that seems a disadvantage, but you can create drainage system on sides and bottoms of the pots to allow excess moisture to drain from the soil. If you pot doesn’t have drainage hole, you can even use a pot liner inside the pot. Put some rock and then set the insert so that the plastic insert doesn’t sit on the water.

Filling It Up

Big glazed pots in Melbourne can hold more soil than required by the plants, which is obviously disadvantageous and expensive to fill. Mostly soil needs 8-12 inches of depth so that their root zone can find enough space. You can use a filler material to the bottom, so even if you have a big pot, you need much soil to fill.

Adding Soil

Any potting soil works for planting in containers. That is a myth that you need to treat your soil well with fertilizers etc. to grow a healthy plants. However, always use a new soil so that it prevents pests or diseases. You can buy good potting mix in any garden center in Melbourne. You can also make your own soil but combing peat, sterile compost, potting soil and vermiculite.

Preparing for cold

Winters are treacherous for plants, especially for outdoor gardening. Using a glazed pot helps to protect it from cracking. Terracotta pots in Melbourne are most vulnerable to cracks; even glazed pots can be cracked in extreme weather, so you need to taking care of it.